I am beyond thrilled to share the incredible news that my PhD nature soundscape blog, Core Opulence, has been selected by the esteemed panelists at Feedspot as one of the Top 10 Soundscape Music Blogs on the web for 2023. This remarkable achievement not only fills my heart with joy and gratitude but also holds a profound significance as it is an integral part of my ongoing PhD project. Core Opulence is an ever-evolving journey, deeply intertwined with my research, field recordings, and even my own mental health fluctuations. With immense excitement, I embrace this honor and extend my heartfelt appreciation to Feedspot for recognizing the dedication I pour into this project.

What is Feedspot?
For those who might be unfamiliar with Feedspot, it stands tall as a prominent social feed reader—a platform that compiles news feeds from diverse online sources. Feedspot caters to the quest for knowledge across a multitude of domains, captivating enthusiasts and creators alike with its user-friendly interface and captivating content curation. To learn more please visit: https://blog.feedspot.com/soundscape_music_blogs/

More on the Award and a PhD Journey:
Being named one of the Top 10 Soundscape Music Blogs for 2023 by Feedspot is not only a credit to my work, but also a meaningful milestone in my ongoing PhD project. As I delve deeper into the realms of nature’s symphonies, my blog has become a canvas for my research, reflecting the dynamic nature of my work. With each field recording and exploration, Core Opulence evolves, mirroring the ever-changing landscape of my academic pursuits.

Gratitude and Dedication:
I express my sincerest thanks to Feedspot’s discerning panelists for this exceptional recognition. Their acknowledgment of my blog strengthens my resolve to continue striving for excellence in providing a refuge from the chaos of modern life through the mellifluous fusion of music and nature. This recognition reaffirms my belief in the power of soundscapes in promoting mental well-being and inspires me to push the boundaries of this auditory journey.

My Readers – The True Musicians:
This recognition would be incomplete without acknowledging my readers—the true artists who have supported and inspired me every step of the way. Your unwavering encouragement and enthusiastic engagement drive me to explore new soundscapes and curate the most captivating content for your auditory pleasure. My blog thrives not merely due to my efforts but because of the vibrant community of nature sound enthusiasts who accompany me on this awe-inspiring journey.

The Ever-Changing Symphony:
As my PhD project evolves, so does Core Opulence. The soundscape journey is a reflection of my research findings, the emotional nuances of my field recordings, and even the fluctuations in my own mental health throughout this academic pursuit. With each new discovery, challenge, and triumph, the symphony of Core Opulence flourishes and resonates.
