Propranolol dreams reddit. I havent been on propranolol in probably ten years.

It helps with the morning jitters from the sertraline. Many of this class of drug are site-specific - some only block receptors in heart tissue, some only affect the lungs, etc. The weirdest part of this crazy (and non-scientific) detail in this dream (all in one night) was that a series of dreams happened and I figured out this separate-human, alien-abduction story somehow late in the dream. I am now tapering down to get off the drug. I also had AUD but luckily I didn't have severe withdrawal symptoms when I quit, only interrupted sleep with very weird vivid dreams for about two weeks. Ppl take it for anxiety also but I found that it did zero for me…still had racing heart 24/7 before Hello! I was just prescribed Propranolol by my doctor, this is my first time taking medication for anxiety. Within 15 minutes of taking a 20mg Propranolol i felt like a totally different person. Jul 23, 2024 路 These dreams can be bothersome, but typically aren’t dangerous to your health. Studies have suggested that by reducing heart rate and blood pressure, the medication can promote a calmer state, making it easier for individuals to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. It's unbearable. Ive read that propranolol can cause cold extremities, and since I already have super cold extremities I'm worried propranolol would make this issue worse and unbearable. it helped with reducing the severity of my migraine symptoms, especially pain, but didn't seem to impact frequency. I had a few answers and all were positive. Before propranolol my hair was just above my waist, now it sits just below my shoulders. I was put on propranolol by my doctor for heart and blood pressure issues and anxiety. First night on propranolol was the best sleep of my entire life. Anybody else experience this weird side effect from taking propranolol? Have you noticed anything that makes it more frequent? My boyfriend is getting pretty fed up with being woken up most nights lately with me sleep dreaming that I’ve seen something… either bugs crawling, or a person stood in our room (I know sounds like horror movie shiz). It stopped working overtime so now I take a different beta blocker. It’s been a dream. Its pretty common to feel anxious about taking propranolol, which, for obvious reasons is frustrating, but my doctor recommended that for the first few times taking it, take it when the situation that you are trying to manage your anxiety for isn’t that important. I'm wondering if it's worth it. I also feel a lot more in my dreams. But I do enjoy the benefits of having more energy and losing some weight every time I cut the dose. Propranolol will knock you on your ass. Now in terms of medication, I've read that SSRIs' stimulation of serotonin receptors actually increases tremors, which Propranolol is known to decrease. Er recommended propranolol which I already had. I've had a somewhat similar experience. Diarrhea or constipation. I took low dose propranolol for 8 weeks for public speaking. Whether you want to share a video of a great speech or want some help with a school speech assignment r/publicspeaking is the place for you! Oh, fun unexpected result of not having tachycardia at night anymore: no more anxiety dreams. Went to the ER twice in 2 days with heart rate of 160 out of nowhere. . nonselective ones like propranolol. e. I normally take 5htp but this feels a bit more natural. This is my first cough and cold in a while and all internet searches are strongly against my taking NyQuil cold or even albuterol with propranolol. Oh my goodness. Slept for at least 9 hours, DEEP. Also, I got up to pee like once. I'm pretty sure that most beta blockers can mess with melatonin. I know it depends what is being treated, but for me, I take 60mg of the extended release and then in the mornings I take a 30mg tablet (not extended release). Welcome to the Reddit Dreams community! * Ask questions and learn about dreams. That’s been happening to me in a way! I never thought of it being propranolol but yeah I constantly have the feelings like when you’re falling and jump except it doesn’t feel like it’s in my dreams it feels like it’s right in my room. And I'd sweat like that while just sitting. Propranolol helped me initially, decreased my blood pressure to more normal levels, but after a couple of months, even on a reduced dosage I started having night terrors, ones where I’d actually get out of bed in a panic, throw furniture around, and usually injure myself. my doctor said it was ok to start using propranolol daily for anxiety and im considering trialing it out to see if it makes a difference as i think most Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a form of dysautonomia that is estimated to impact between 1,000,000 and 3,000,000 Americans, and millions more around the world. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a form of dysautonomia that is estimated to impact between 1,000,000 and 3,000,000 Americans, and millions more around the world. Jan 31, 2024 路 Beta-blockers, including propranolol, have been shown to cause insomnia and sleep disturbances such as vivid dreams or nightmares in some patients. I’m also on lexapro (10mg) but I didn’t see anything for lexapro causing weird dreams. Whether you want to share a video of a great speech or want some help with a school speech assignment r/publicspeaking is the place for you! I started with propranolol a week ago (3x 10mg/day) and omg it's making me feel like shite. Furthermore, propranolol's impact on sleep cycles can extend beyond REM sleep. I was usually drinking a coffee along with it (usually a decaf or a half decaf/half caf). Then I read that iron can bind with propranolol, causing it to no longer release properly. I started on metoprolol and only made it about 3 or 4 weeks, the dreams were bonkers. com r/ssc justification: Unique community with similar problems that may have similar responses to particular solutions. I’ve been taking propranolol for more than a year (originally prescribed for anxiety, but I also have facial hyperhidrosis, brought on by both being extremely heat intolerant and anxiety) but it hasn’t done much to combat the sweating. I have very mild situational social anxiety, and I had initially considered propranolol solely for presentations, but have now realized it could be pretty cool for going out, random group settings, etc. Propranolol usually starts to work in about 30 minutes to an hour to relieve symptoms. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Decreased appetite Incidence not known. let me know if you have any more question. i read it’s not recommended but can counter any side effects on your lungs from smoking i believe. Not really aside from going to bed a little earlier the first few nights because of the drowsiness, but I felt normal again after a couple of days. i was on it for about 3 months. And this has held true for over 2 weeks now, every single night. I haven't had a normal, flat dream since maybe last August. Propranolol can be very good, if used properly. PS: if you want to use something daily - consider magnesium. Many people have vivid dreams on one but not the other (I had them on metoprolol but not propranolol). the feeling of being hugged in my dreams is like reality. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who I started taking Effexor xr 2-2 weeks ago and my anxiety has been unbearable. 24-25 This cautious attitude is probably best summarized by Bardwell, who comments that “Given the action of beta-blockers on cerebral vascular auto- regulation and given the appearance of Just over a month now. Business, Economics, and Finance. I become calm, I can think, I try to day dream but I can’t. I did ask my doctor everything as I have severe health anxiety especially regarding my heart (I'm 27 and super healthy) my she did tell me everything is okay and I will be okay on these 2 medications. I've been having the most vivid nightmares, and I just wanted to talk about it and see how others are doing with this medication. For this reason, many headache experts report that they prefer to avoid beta-blockers in patients with aura, and warn against their use in this setting. Never tried Sertraline but with the Propranolol it’s bizarre, the first time I took it, my mind was like I would normally be feeling anxious but I don’t. I've read that insomnia and vivid dreams are common side Those are often prescribed for migraine and can have vivid dreams as a side effect. Propranolol just blocks NE from activating receptors, but the norepinephrine just finds other (specifically alpha) receptors to activate. Propranolol tablets come in strengths of 10mg, 40mg, 80mg or 160mg. The slow release capsules are 80mg or 160mg. g. Whether migraines, cluster headaches, or whatever head pain you experience. Insomnia is a common side effect, and vivid dreams (I think) are caused by being awake enough to remember, even affect your dreams while your body is asleep. I started propranolol 3 weeks ago (for the first week I took 10mg 2x day, then upped it to 20mg 2x a day starting the second week). The interesting thing about propranolol is that it is being researched as a permanent cure for all phobias. Aug 1, 2024 路 unusual dreams Less common. Hm. Your heart has its own electrical impulse, but it can receive secondary impulses from hormones and neurotransmitters, typically adrenaline is the main secondary modulator, whether you are anxious or not adrenaline could be influencing your heart rate and by blocking the beta receptor binding site your heart maintains a steady rhythm through its own electrical impulses without a I might wait for the brain to reach a new homeostasis before stopping Propranolol for good. Any alternative medication recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Propranolol started out okay for me, with a bit more brain fog than usual. The doctor prescribed me propranolol and it has been literally a life saver. Hi everyone. These are typically executive level individuals and/or technical and I find the smaller groups are more nerve inducing because it is an intimate setting with smaller rooms and more Q+A, so that is when I add in the prop. * Share your dreams. Yes for sure, but I see too many new providers running to use propranolol as first line treatment. I think over the years i’ve gotten used to the constant feeling of anxiety, my normal, i forgot what it actually feels like to be free. Looking into this book now. I have a script for propranolol for anxiety and shaky hands, but I haven't taken it right before bedtime, maybe I'll try tonight. I also read that this is not a side effect that can be expected to go away with time. I've taken some form of propranolol or another for 2 years now. I made sure to have my last dose at least 4 hours before bed, usually earlier. For me, metoprolol gave me terrible vivid dreams, but I have zero side effects from propranolol. Last night I had horrible dreams because of the stress. Some individuals may experience sleep disturbances when taking propranolol, including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing vivid dreams. My hair is all different lengths and the texture of my hair has changed. e. Its a low enough dose with propranolol that when the jitters stop, i just split the 10mg pill in half and tale 5mg for about 3 days and then fully stop. Depressed mood Propranolol is a relatively non-selective beta-blocker (you have beta-1 receptors on your heart and skeletal muscle, and beta-2 receptors on your airways). But what I have now is just a run of the mill tension headache. true. I’m going to try telemedicine tomorrow for advice. I had to come off propranolol because it made my fatigue and Raynaud's worse. Now I have no side effects. Before propranolol I never dreamed at all, and while on it I had crazy stressful dreams that made me feel like I wasn't sleeping. When I first started I took a low dose of IR and it did nothing. I know this is a side effect to this medication, and my doc warned me, but this is getting to me. All that said, there are a lot of different beta blockers out there, and you may be able to find a better fit for your needs. I’m in my second month of propranolol for anxiety and heart palpitations. I try not to take these meds. Not sure about the gag reflex but am certain that the propranolol doesn’t stop my teeth clenching. Sorry to sound so preachy, I just wouldnt want to see anyone use it unnecessarily and risk any side effects (such as weakness, blood sugar increase, nausea, etc). I use that daily and only add the Propranolol on an as needed basis. What are common alternatives in the UK? I use Propranolol and or me personally it’s really helped. i was prescribed 40mg Propranolol by my doctor a month ago for constant fluttering in my throat (palpitations) which didn’t stop once for a week (literally 24/7) i thouvht it was a thyroid issue as it runs in my family so i called her but she said that i had it checked a few months prior and it was fine. If you have issues sleeping, Propranolol will Propranolol dreams. Also have OCD. There is a therapy regimen that uses a low dose of propranolol(5-10 mg) taken 1 hr before a therapist session. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who I take both and run a little on the low side with BP. It's in a class of drugs that prevent adrenalin from binding to your body's adrenaline receptors, called beta receptors. Thank you for that book! I've been trying to find a good on on CBT I have taken Propranolol for 5+ years now. I very rarely had any "normal" dreams before ivabradine. My doctor prescribes me 10mg of propranolol a day. Yes I unfortunately GOOGLED and it said the antidepressent will increase the propranolol 馃檲 so I did scare myself lol. This doc thinks my anxiety is what is causing these spikes, and that propranolol might help with both anxiety and bp. Weird and disconcerting. With a decrease in REM sleep, individuals may experience a reduction in dream frequency and intensity. I take both and run a little on the low side with BP. 5 mcg daily doses of levothyroxine a week ago and immediately the daily extreme fatigue went away along with the elevated temperature and general feeling of being sick. it made me pretty dizzy, especially first thing in the morning, and i fell a few times (including one pretty bad fall that bruised, possibly fractured, my arm). I have had several physical symptoms of anxiety in the past, especially chest pains. I really like propranolol. Those are often prescribed for migraine and can have vivid dreams as a side effect. Most parts of the dream feel totally new and I wake up totally scared and confused and can't connect any elements of the experience to recent memories. These are not considered serious sidr effects for most people, though for me as someone with cptsd, insomnia and vivid dreams are very harmful. Yes it will. Thanks for the reminder that if my dreams ever get too wild in the future, I can try EMDR before the hassle of switching meds. But I’m a pretty moderate / heavy drinker but stopped smoking weed a while ago. Propranolol helped my heart palpitations and raised heart rate from the diamox, and helped me feel a tiny bit less frantic and stressed 24/7, but after a few days, it made my insomnia kick in bad and I couldn’t sleep for nearly a week, which my doctor had no clue why that was happening, he just said it was probably from pain, but the second I mentioned it to my psych, she told me that Been on propranolol for a few weeks 2 x 40mg tablets a day, it has been controlling my blood pressure well but I’v been having crazy vivid dreams and pretty tired, just wondering if that goes away when you body gets used to it ? Dec 17, 2021 路 For those of you doing well on propranolol for anxiety, I've read a lot about how it can cause nightmares and insomnia. Was searching around about propranolol as I just tried 40mg tonight to decide whether I wanted to stock up before returning to america and its great. This is just anecdotal, but both propranolol and metoprolol are prescribed for migraine and are very similar. I stopped taking pro in the afternoons and stopped drinking afternoon coffee and the dreams have gotten better. I have experienced vivid dreaming and sleepwalking my whole life so I can’t say if the med caused this side effect for me. Till its roger rabbit town. But as I continued the brain fog got much worse, insomnia started becoming unmanageable, and nausea kicked in. This can be both a positive and negative aspect, as some people find vivid dreams disturbing while others find them fascinating. Thank you so much. * Post links to interesting sites or videos related to dreams. Ive used propranolol for just under two years, as have a few of my friends. , but propranolol blocks all your beta I don’t know if this is a placebo effect or if it’s actually helping, but taking the Propranolol before sleeping reduces anxiety before bed, and I don’t remember my dreams very much. The liquid comes in strengths of 5mg, 10mg, 40mg or 50mg in 5ml. I think both meds can cause this, so just keep that in mind. For example, some people use it short-term to help with stage fright or fear of public-speaking. Instead, I started taking reduced 12. Vivid dreams nightmares. For the first few days after upping it the insomnia was HORRID, and I even take Zyprexa at night for sleep and mood stabilization (I have biploar disorder) and I couldn't even sleep with that. To the point I’m shaking even in bed or brushing my teeth. Then the dreams started :( I read that, due to their ability to cross the blood brain barrier, both Metopropol and propranolol are known for causing vivid dreams and nightmares. Slow heart rate. Good luck! Propranolol can cause nightmares/vivid dreams. Someone on here brought to light how propranolol helps with physical symptoms while xanax helps with mental. Yes. I had a lot of issues with quality of sleep when i took it too late in the day. As of lately I’ve been having incredibly vivid, violent nightmares that deviate from the normal ones I’m used to and I’m wondering if anyone else has had this experience with propranolol? I've been taking Propranolol for a few months now, between 40 and 80 mg/day. I was 'lucky' enough to have been woken in a state where I was able to remember much of my dream, It made no sense and just went from one nonsense event to the next. Been on 40-120mg when req'd propranolol for social anxiety to avoid benzodiazepines and they seem to work decently well - Perhaps it's partly placebo but I can 'feel' my heart rate lower 20-40 minutes after I take them. Stomach pain. it didn’t make it any worse though. Well… I’ve been prone to nightmares as long as I can remember, but I recently started taking propranolol for anxiety and it has completely upped the ante. Feb 29, 2024 路 Propranolol can help with symptoms of social anxiety like fast heart rate, sweating and shaking in certain circumstances. Sure, my pleasure. Common side effects of Propranolol include insomnia and vivid dreams, which in my experience triggers PTSD, I suppose due to memory consolidation in sleep. propranolol worked magic before job interviews helps me speak far clearer and actually be able to respond to technical questions that normally id just draw blanks too even if i knew the answer. My anxiety is weird, I don't think anxious thoughts per se but prior to me starting propranolol (which temporarily worked) and then again prior to the Xanax, I was having really physically intense attacks a couple times a day where I was struggling to breathe, tight chest, crushing feeling etc, had to sit down and just heavy breathe for anywhere from 10-45 mins. I take propranolol 10mg for testing anxiety as well as for public speaking. A community of headache disease sufferers. I was on propranolol 40mg 3 times a day (i think- been a while since). Propranolol works well for me only at 20mg but waiting for Botox authorization to come in- I was thinking about skipping Botox because propranolol is working so well but my tmj has been killing me this week Beta blockers, like propranolol, are one of two front line drugs, prescribed for Essential Tremors. Dizziness and upset stomach. What was your experience? I just started the medication and I already deal with insomnia and unsettling dreams. Sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction (ED) Trouble sleeping. Found out this is common because propranolol is a unique beta blocker that crosses the blood-brain barrier. I feel asleep fast, like a normal person seems to, which is not how I have EVER been. not much information on reddit regarding combining the two. I just take it as and when but it has definitely helped me. Do you find if you take it occasionally do you get any rebound anxiety next day or any symptoms from just taking occasionally I tried taking it daily but gave me insomnia so wondering if I take it sometimes probably won't cause the insomnia but read on some posts some people say they get rebound anxiety and other symptoms a day or 2 after taking it as needed Since yesterday aft my job has made me really anxious with critical stuff going on. I've know about propranolol's ability to inhibit physical symptoms of anxiety and I hoped it would work. Propranolol didnt cause hairloss for me but I think I know how you feel. As in: I pieced together earlier parts of the dreams and deduced what had happened in pre-historic times, all while dreaming. They weren’t always nightmares, but more uncomfortable and weird and waking up in a weird state and thinking about the dreams all day. It was honestly quite shocking, the relief i felt. I started taking Effexor xr 2-2 weeks ago and my anxiety has been unbearable. Propranolol made me sweat like an entire team of pro athletes playing at the equator. Many people go the opposite way (propranolol to metoprolol) for the same reason and have similar results - no (or a lot fewer) side effects on one vs the other, with similar efficacy of the medication. not much came up for lithium causing weird dreams. Chest tightness is something I’ve personally found feels much better on propranolol. Finally started seeking treatment and the doctor put me on sertraline and propranolol. As far as the side effects from the propranolol, the effects did subside and I was able to increase my dose a little. However. Occasionally I still get a nightmare or dream I’ll remember, but it’s less intense and less frequent than before I was prescribed Propranolol at night. I know many people have seen improvement just by taking a lower dose of propranolol, and others respond better to cardioselective beta blockers vs. I have noticed that whenever I take them I get bad dreams at night, usually the same recurring dream. It can be a side effect of beta blockers: For decades, beta-adrenergic blocking agents have been known to cause adverse CNS effects including psychiatric syndromes, bizarre and vivid dreams, sleep disturbances, delirium, psychosis and visual hallucinations. I'm 36 but have a family history of all sorts of heart disease, so figured better safe than sorry. Because it’s slow release I can choose when in the day I can take it and I find taking it earlier in the evening rather than right before bed really stops the vivid dreams. Propranolol caused rapid hair loss for me. I'm so tired and I've slept for over 8 hours each night since taking it. It can cause breathlessness due to its beta-2 adrenergic antagonism, that's why it is contraindicated in people with asthma. Ozempic (semaglutide) and other GLP-1 agonists, as well as some antibiotics, can also cause vivid dreams. Individuals who take beta-blockers can have less melatonin than normal which can lead to these sleep disturbances. I was wondering if anyone has ever dealt with ED associated with beta blockers? I only take it as needed not daily & for 1-2 days after taking it my libido drops significantly. Propranolol started making me extremely depressed (suicidality so) when taking it. Other medications that can cause nightmares include antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (Prozac), and beta blockers, such as propranolol (Inderal LA, Innopran XL). Propranolol may even increase the activity of NET. It's essential to communicate any changes in sleep patterns to your healthcare provider to ensure the most appropriate course of action. Lots of dreams, waking up multiple times a night, so I'm not sure if I was tired from the drug or the shitty sleep. I ultimately decided NOT to take the propranolol, and am extremely glad I did. In the meantime, I checked Google. I feel motion sick 24/7. The theory is that it interferes with memory reconsolidation so that if you have the fear trigger and then you take a high dose of it in your system right after/during, the traumatic memory gets blunted and the next time you have the same trigger it's a dull nothing where there used to Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now One week into taking propranolol my side effects are, vivid dreams, feeling a bit out of it, nauseous 21 votes, 58 comments. she said it was anxiety and prescribed this but i’m seeing people say Never taken propranolol, but I do get vivid lucid dreams on certain meds. Diffuse hair loss all over my scalp and breakage. Then my dreams (I've had insanely realistic, fantastic dreams since I started all my new meds last summer) turned back into normal, two-dimensional dreams. For many people, metoprolol is the winner and propranolol causes side effects. Propranolol does a lot for me, I have really bad intrusive thoughts and when I really can’t shift my thought to something else I take it. Then my Dr switched me to 60 MG extended release which is the lowest possible dose on extended release. If you find anything solely drinking alcohol while on propranolol, let me know! See full list on drugs. Propranolol can also make some people feel breathless, particularly on exertion, as it slows the heart down and relaxes the heart muscle rendering it slightly less capable at pumping blood/oxygen around the body. I get a lot of tremors naturally, and it really calms them down as well as the anxiety related symptoms as well. If they start, ask about switching to the other med (metoprolol vs propranolol). I do not take it any longer but I did take it for several months. I take 10mg propranolol every morning and as needed I take 1-2 more. But a few things popped up for propranolol. I have been hesitant to go over 20/20 for many of the same reasons. We support each other, and spread knowledge about our various conditions. The propranolol is the only thing that helped with the shaking, nothing else worked for that. I switched to propranolol and have been good to go since then. One thing I have noticed is that I'm having more vivid dreams than usual, and especially vivid dreams do give me migraines. Nope! I dream every night now, and I forget the contents, but I remember having them. The med can also cause vivid dreams. How many mgs propranolol are you on? I’m on 60 mgs-extended release that I take daily. I continue to see a dr twice a year to ensure it’s still a good plan. Didn't want to take medicine for it. People running at me, things right next to me. Dry eyes heartburn loss of strength or energy muscle weakness pain or discomfort in the chest, upper stomach, or throat stomach cramps unusual drowsiness, dullness, or feeling of sluggishness vivid dreams Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. it also seemed to mess with my sleep quality a lot and either the propranolol itself or In the year since I started taking 80mg propranolol, I haven’t noticed any difference in my dreams—not even after another doctor added LDN (for fatigue). Unfortunately getting up in the morning is difficult if I took it the day before. My recent extreme stress and anxiety was causing extreme hairloss. The only thing I could think of medically is that if your high blood pressure is related to your anxiety and when your not anxious the propranolol is lowering your blood pressure to a level that your getting reactions. I take it for anxiety and migraines. This is freaking incredible. r/publicspeaking is a place for anything and everything to do with the art of public speaking. The only time it was effective is when I took about 7 or 8 before a job interview Hey, I wanted to give an update. Crypto A couple of months ago I asked if anyone here experienced weight gain while on propranolol. I’m pretty sure I saw a study somewhere that it helped rape survivors, by letting them forget. She took me up to 50 mg (25 in am and 25 in pm), and I was good for about three weeks. but there not nightmares. I was just looking at Propranolol posts because I'm really tired as a side effect from taking it. Low blood pressure. Propranolol negates all the discernible effects of kratom. Fatigue and weakness. I also feel pressure on my heart once the dose kicks in. propranolol is known to cause and/or exacerbate depression, as well as vivid dreams, nightmares, and insomnia. Since going down to 20mg, I've been really good. So propranolol blocks the beta-2 receptors on the airways and can increase airway resistance and can reduce response to beta-agonists like salbutamol. I take it about once a month for work presentations and the 2-4 days after are a slog. This propranolol saved my life, I was having anxiety, and panic attacks daily. Bad anxiety for about 6 months. The therapist reactivates the traumatic memory with you and once you have walked through the activation of the memory, you then go over anything but the memory. * Keep a dream journal. I just wanted to warn anybody that if you start taking it regularly, you should consider slowly tapering off of it rather than quitting cold turkey. This has started since taking Propranolol and is apparently common i. 5 hours it’s like slowly chaos starts setting in. Propranolol, a beta-blocker medication, has been found to have a positive impact on sleep patterns. I actually started with that one and had super intense, crazy lucid dreams. * The latest news and info about dreams. Propranolol does sometimes help with sweating (although i’ve had it make me clammy as well). Dosage and strength. I’ve been on propranolol for a few years to help prevent migraines . I was on propranolol for about 10 months and noticed the weight gain around the fifth month, my doctor asked for some blood test to make sure it wasn't my thyroid and we waited to see if the side effect was momentarily. Taking with food in the beginning helps. I can't touch people in the winter without them screaming because my hands are so cold, lol. I’ve been on Zoloft 12 weeks…I’ve had no interactions between the two meds. * Request interpretation of your dreams. gonna try propranolol w/o weed for a while. I have stomach pains, my fibromyalgia is having a party, I have headaches, nausea, dizzy spells. After I stopped propranolol it actually took months for the stressful dreams to stop. A lot of people have side effects with one but do well with the other. I had a wonky heart beat for years! And I take Xanax as needed. I did some googling on it. I thought I was just forgetting them. I use to take propanolol, it makes all my dreams vivid, almost as if I am on the cusp of a waking dream. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. my marijuana withdrawal symptoms have been alot less intense so far with the propranolol. I supervise many new providers starting propranolol without monitoring blood pressure. They are actually super cool! My dreams are hyperrealistic and I have microscopic vision. I really didn't get on with Propranolol at all due to the insomnia and bad nausea. Maybe it’s the weed that’s causing the paranoia? My blood pressure is on the higher side too so propranolol might actually benefit me with blood pressure issues as well. Nothing else is different in my daily life, so I know it has to be that. That was really strange. Worried about getting a stroke, I went to the doctor's today (a different person), who recommended 20mg of propranolol a day. My dreams are intense and emotionally I feel flat. I guess all my anxiety was tachycardia. Same here, I take it 90 minutes before large meetings at work. I got nightmares/vivid dreams on propranolol and reduced blood pressure which with my already low blood pressure wasn’t ideal but I was ok. Nausea. ) But maybe that explains why you've never had issues. Appetite might not change but can possibly be helped. I noticed another commenter mentioned metoprolol. It crosses what's known as the blood-brain barrier ; not all beta-blockers do that. * Connect with a community of dream enthusiasts. It is effective in about 50% of patients and can reduce the amplitude of your tremors by as much as 50% and that is about as good as it get for non-surgical treatment of ET. Propranolol overall is literally one of the safest drugs available in regards to itself and even interactions. I took 60mg last night about a half hour before I went to sleep and after a little bit I felt a weird sensation in my chest, like a dull tightness. It helped my heart rate but it didn't touch ny migraines, personally, so it just wasn't worth continuing with it. (I think a lot of the scientific literature just hasn't been updated yet. I've even had to ask hubby if something really happened because the memory I have is from my dream. You know how some dreams have elements that are weird but incredibly easy to tie into a specific thing you remember from your waking life? That doesn't apply here. My comment was not meant for OP, it was meant for every newbie seeing this without doing there own research or prescribing without thinking. But I've had visitation dreams even without medication; it's probably a natural phenomenon. Just nervous about taking new medication. Like in the movies where someone wakes up only to realize they're still in a dream vivid. Mar 26, 2024 路 Common propranolol side effects: Dizziness. I havent been on propranolol in probably ten years. , it's known to cause strange vivid dreams and often nightmares. I've had severe life long general and social anxiety. I don't recommend doing that, but If the dreams become too much to handle, mention it to your prescriber. Edit: Also I get very vivid dreams. We do NOT promote drug use; - Accept, for better and or worse, that licit & illicit drug use is part of our world and choose to work to minimize its harmful effects rather than simply ignore or condemn them; - Utilize evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective practices to prevent and reduce harm; - Call for the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to people who Yeah. I love these super old reddit comments. I have been struggling with constant headaches and nausea for the past month. I've also delivered two eulogys with it and didn't miss a beat standing in front of a large group of people. Any suggestions are welcome! First night on propranolol was the best sleep of my entire life. I have heard from others that they had very disturbing nightmares while on it, so it's not unusual. It is situational for me- I present to differing audiences weekly ranging from small 4-6 to larger groups of 100+. Pro tip: there are two very similar beta blockers used for migraine: propranolol and metoprolol. Lately, most days I’ve been taking two more in the Lucky. Propranolol also seems especially good for performance anxiety, though I'm wondering how the fatigue/sleepiness/tiredness compares to that of an SSRI. I mean the thing that's really worked is my therapy but that extra support from occasional medication has been really helpful too. I also am taking propranolol for hypertension and anxiety, I was prescribed 40/40 for morning/night ramping up to a single 125mg ER dose. In my research, a lot of recent studies distinguish between oral propranolol and injected propranolol, and find that the oral version actually has a very low risk of asthma complications. -possible sleep issues. Hey, I’ve been on propranolol for about 3 months now, taking 80mg in a slow release tablet once a day. I just stare at something and notice I look like a dummy without the dissociation of knowing you’re in a day dream and people can see you like that. (see study) It is not unreasonable to think that the increased alpha adrenoreceptor activity caused by propranolol may have caused the dysphoria. These symptoms got worse and worse the longer I was on, as more built up in my body. kpdzg roju mqyev tinoyz mtsa vyboy mhqwx bbinp xet oqthnk